Mel is our hard-working, reliable assistant practice manager, with a hawk eye for detail. She is very much the heart of our team and the glue that holds us all together. Mel worked as a dental nurse for 11 years before taking time out to be a full-time mother. She now works with the Invertay team, in a varied role supporting our clinicians and our practice manager, and improving client experience at an operational level.
Sustainable innovations for mental health & wellbeing
Treating the whole person, emphasising the connections between the mind and the body.
We believe passionately in connecting with people to build relationships that enrich lives.
Strategic, purposeful approach to effective collaboration, partnership, and support that furthers the organization’s mission beyond profit.
To help you inhabit your strengths, cope with life’s challenges, and thrive in your unique way
The cultivation of learning, resilience and adaptability, viewing problems from multiple perspectives.
We are not afraid to be different. We try new things and embrace progress. We are committed to being and staying on the cutting edge.
Advocating for the human rights, dignity, and diversity of every person, with respect and compassion.