Adult Autism Assessment​

It’s essential to understand that Autism encompasses a wide range of experiences.


Understanding Autism

Autism or what is sometimes called Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) is a lifelong developmental difference, evident from early childhood. Individuals with Autism are all different, however, typically can have strengths and challenges in several areas.  

Individuals with Autism often:

  • Can be very analytical and tend to make decisions based on logic
  • Can feel emotions intensely but can also struggle to make sense of them
  • Can have a strong preference for detail and precision when completing tasks
  • Can struggle to interpret facial expressions and social cues.
  • Can experience challenges in multi-person interactions.
  • Can experience anxiety or discomfort when meeting new people.
  • Tend to possess keen interests that they delve deeply into.
  • Can find changes and unpredictability challenging.
  • Can experience some sensory information intensely, such as being affected by bright lights, loud noises, specific foods, and certain textures.

It’s essential to understand that Autism encompasses a wide range of experiences. The experiences and challenges faced by one individual may differ significantly from another. Furthermore, it’s notable that females with Autism can often present  differently than males with Autism.

Moreover, many adults with Autism encounter associated challenges, such as anxiety, depression, OCD, relationship issues, and feelings of social isolation.

Autism Assessments for Adults

Deciding whether to pursue a formal assessment for Autism is a personal choice. For some people who suspect they may be Autistic, assessment and diagnosis does not feel necessary. For others, recognising and diagnosing Autism in adults can bring a sense of understanding and clarity about life-long challenges. However, some might feel disappointment for not being diagnosed earlier, thinking about the help they could’ve received. Acquiring a diagnosis in adulthood can pave the way for:

  • Accessing tailored support in workplaces, educational institutions, and daily life.
  • Exploring and implementing strategies for sensory challenges.
  • Joining local support communities to connect and share experiences.
  • Accessing tools, supports, and benefits that are available to people with a formal diagnosis of Autism.

Our Comprehensive Autism Assessment Process

At The Invertay Practice, we believe in providing an assessment experience that is not just about gathering information and making a decision. We recognise that coming for an assessment can be a life changing experience. We want to understand you as an individual, your experiences, learn about how you got to where you are now.  Our assessments are SIGN adherent, robust, in-depth and multi-disciplinary and our clinicians have specialist skills and experience in understanding and diagnosing Autism. However, more than that, we want this to be a positive process for you…regardless of the outcome of the assessment, we want you to feel heard, validated and supported.

Our detailed Autism assessments:

  1. Take a minimum of 3-4 hours (usually spread over 2-3 separate sessions): To ensure a comprehensive understanding.
  2. Involve at least 2 specialist clinicians: Our team of qualified psychiatrists, psychologists, and occupational therapists collaborate to provide a well-rounded evaluation.
  3. Feature multiple components: This includes structured clinical interviews, in-depth developmental histories, and a series of questionnaires.
  4. Include feedback and reporting: Post-assessment, we provide both verbal feedback and a detailed written report on our findings and conclusions.
  5. Consider the future: Regardless of whether a diagnosis is made, we focus on your strengths and challenges, discuss options for ongoing supports, and signpost to a range of resources and/or services that may be of help to you. We can liaise with universities, schools and employers if desired. 
  6. Maintain Confidentiality: If an Autism diagnosis is made, individuals receive a letter confirming their diagnosis—crafted carefully to exclude any personal details not necessary for sharing. A more detailed diagnostic report is also provided.


assessments last on average 3-4 hours but this is usually completed over a number of different sessions

here are some pre-assessment questionnaires to complete prior to assessments and we may ask for copies of supporting information such as previous medical or assessment letters if they are relevant to the assessment. We will usually ask to talk with someone who knew you well as a child, such as a parent or sibling, and someone who knows you well now such as a partner or friend (this can be the same person). 

Yes, please indicate your preference when scheduling, and we’ll do our best to accommodate.

Feedback is typically provided in the final session, with a detailed report following shortly after.

Yes, we’ve ensured that our remote assessments are as comprehensive and effective as our in-person sessions.